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Location: Unspecified
(0.0000°N, 0.0000°E)
Time: 19:45:17

Altair - Pass Details

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Date: 03 October 2023
Orbit: 1501 x 1682 km, 47.2° (Epoch: 06 October)

EventTimeAltitudeAzimuthDistance (km)BrightnessSun altitude
Rises22:58:20234° (SW)4,640--76.7°
Reaches altitude 10°23:01:3010°240° (WSW)3,668--77.4°
Maximum altitude23:10:1146°310° (NW)1,985--79.5°
Drops below altitude 10°23:19:0910°21° (NNE)3,772--81.5°
Sets23:22:2927° (NNE)4,782--82.2°