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Location: Unspecified
(0.0000°N, 0.0000°E)
Time: 21:15:45

Courier 1B - Pass Details

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Date: 24 September 2023
Orbit: 962 x 1208 km, 28.3° (Epoch: 06 October)

EventTimeAltitudeAzimuthDistance (km)BrightnessSun altitude
Rises08:33:55224° (SW)3,81210.340.4°
Reaches altitude 10°08:36:5010°215° (SW)2,8969.841.2°
Maximum altitude08:43:1535°151° (SSE)1,7129.642.8°
Drops below altitude 10°08:50:0010°87° (E)3,05611.244.5°
Sets08:53:0979° (ENE)4,04711.545.2°