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Location: Harwich
(41.7160°N, 69.9939°W)
Time: 07:13:09

A-11 Canister half - Pass Details

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Date: 06 December 2023
Orbit: 1524 x 1684 km, 47.3° (Epoch: 07 October)

EventTimeAltitudeAzimuthDistance (km)BrightnessSun altitude
Rises02:57:47270° (W)4,93712.2-52.7°
Reaches altitude 10°03:01:0210°274° (W)3,94711.5-53.3°
Enters shadow03:05:3230°284° (WNW)2,67010.4-54.1°
Maximum altitude03:11:0865°356° (N)1,808--55.1°
Drops below altitude 10°03:21:0010°77° (ENE)3,864--56.8°
Sets03:24:0981° (E)4,830--57.3°